영어177 stray cats i have a neighbor who cares for stray cats in our neighborhood. Several months ago, she told me that 2020. 3. 4. sour 어제 그러고나서 애런이랑 애기해봤어? so did you talk to aron after what happend yesterday? 응 했는데 아직 기분이 안풀린것 같더라. 도대체 뭐때문에 그렇게 삐진건지 모르겠어. 난 그냥 룸메이트를 원하지 않는다고 말한것 뿐인데. yeah i did and he still sounded a little sour. i don't know what it is that got him so upset. all i said was i didn't want a roommate. 글쎄 난 개가 왜 그러는지 알것 같아. 개가 외동이고 널형제처럼 생각하는게 있어. 넌 못느꼈어? i can kind of see where he is coming from. he is an only c.. 2020. 3. 4. 몇주만에 When this whole thing started, i really didn't think it would get this bad. ->이상황이 시작되었을때 , 이렇게 까지 나빠질줄은 정말 몰랐어. i thought it would be over in a matter of weeks. ->난 몇주만에 상황이 종료될줄 알았어. A month at the longest. ->길어져야 한달? But who would've known, right? ->누가 알았겠어? It's been over a month now and it's not letting up. ->이제 한달이 되었는데 나이지지 않고 있어. And it's so fustrating to know that the only thing we can .. 2020. 2. 28. 이전 1 ··· 27 28 29 30 다음